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10 best comercial blogs of 2017
We selected best in our opinion blogs and media formats about architecture and urban innovation.An internal blog, generally accessed through the corporation's Intranet, is a weblog that any employee can view. Many blogs are also communal, allowing anyone to post to them.

Internal blogs may be used in lieu of meetings and e-mail discussions, and can be especially useful when the people involved are in different locations, or have conflicting schedules. Blogs may also allow individuals who otherwise would not have been aware of or invited to participate in a discussion to contribute their expertise.
The Co. reviews of 2017!
Charity projects, architectural forums, 15 new spaces at the city center. Most charities are concerned with providing basic needs, such as food, water, clothing, health care and shelter. The most common form of charity is donating money. The money is then used to buy these basic needs. However, there are many other actions that may be performed as charity, such as teaching orphans, donating blood, or money to help fund medical research.

Pro bono is a Latin phrase meaning "for good", that is used to mean that a legal professional (lawyer) who would otherwise be paid money for his work, works without being paid, for the benefit of society, typically on behalf of a person or organization who cannot pay for some reason, such as poverty.
A report about Arch expo in St. Petersburg
How it was on the largest forum of the country. We took part and want to share emotions. As well as addressing the academic side of architecture, the Biennale provides an opportunity for architects and designers to showcase new projects, arranged in different pavilions, each with different themes. The Architecture Biennale is currently held in the Biennale Gardens.

Commercial exhibitions, generally called trade fairs, trade shows or expos, are usually organized so that organizations in a specific interest or industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent trends and opportunities. Some trade fairs are open to the public, while others can only be attended by company representatives and members of the press.
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Взыскание потерпевшим лицом прибыли, полученной нарушителем от нарушения его прав. Проблемные аспекты применения правила абз.2 ч.2 ст.15 Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации в судебной практике.

Отдельные аспекты взыскания убытков в российской судебной практике.
Интеллектуальная собственность
Часто причисляют законы о недобросовестной конкуренции
Оформление недвижимости
Законодательством предусмотрены вычеты на сумму доходов.

Адвокат Буланов Егор Анатольевич

Оказываю помощь в гражданских делах любой сложности. Защищаю интересы бизнеса в коммерческих спорах и спорах с государственными заказчиками. Осуществляю защиту по уголовным делам экономической направленности и налоговым преступлениям.

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